Sunday, February 17, 2013

Favorite Things

Besides Graysen, of course.

With a new baby, it's trial and error to find out how to keep them fed and comfortable and happy.  Graysen is just the best at almost everything - eating, sleeping (during the day), and lying in her bed or someone's arms and just gazing around and making cute faces. 

The only little flaw is her wanting to stay up all night, which she pretty much did night before last.  She has a Cloud B Sleep Sheep, and Emily happened to try it out yesterday, and it was magic and hilarious at the same time.  Graysen would get to the point of getting irritable and moving her hands and arms around and making warning cries, and then when the "ocean sounds" button on the sheep was pushed, you could see her get still and start looking around.  Her arms and legs just relaxed, and she pretty much just went to sleep.  We were so mean to her and kept turning it off and letting her wake up and then turning it on to watch her relax.  It was so effective that she slept the whole night.  Emily would wake her up every 2 hours to eat, and they all - we all - slept every well all night.

It might not work tonight.  Babies are like that.  But it seems to be something that's working.  This looks like my new baby gift from now on. 

I'm not sure a book that makes you cry every time you read it should be a favorite, but this is another gift I'll give.  It's called "On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman.  It's absolutely beautiful - and you can't help crying when you read the words.
A few more pictures because our lives revolve around Graysen right now.
Ready for her first stroll around the neighborhood.

Washington Huskies fan. We failed to get her Auburn socks, but she does have a bib and shirts.

Friends are coming over in a bit, and then we're going to Target later on.  I have so many pictures and so little time.  I'll try to just post a bunch of them tonight.


  1. So glad Griff is getting to help with Graysen's first stroll around the neighborhood. War Eagle! Do you mean you did not buy any socks or just forgot to take them to Washington? WE must correct that HUSKY mistake.

  2. Terrible oversight that she has no AU socks. I saw 2 bibs and at least one onesie in the drawers and some War Eagle bloomers. But no socks.
