It's nice to get bring Darby and Stella into the den and let them entertain us while we drink coffee and read, although that's pretty short. They'll play and interact for a few minutes the best a dog and cat can do until one of them gets mad and bites too hard or goes off in a huff.

We're trying to teach Darby some more tricks since she's a good student, but we can't think of anything she needs to know. She refuses to obey "Stop escaping and running all over the neighborhood," and everything else seems a little frivolous. She will sit, shake hands. She'll change paws if you say "other one." She can sit up on her back legs, roll over, let me put a treat on her nose and wait for the signal to get it. She brings her "puppies" to you and is in the process of learing to put them on the blanket - but only for a treat. She does pretty well with "get on your blanket" with most of her body, depending on whether there is a cat taking up some of her room.
Lunch was a bunch of good leftovers and easy to make. I did boil the leftover rotisserie chicken for soup later, and it smells so good. Mike's in there doing something with the mixer. I heard him grumbling about where the cinnamon was, so it sounds like maybe ginger snaps.
After I worked about an hour, I decided to do a little sewing. Since the first 2 purse organizers worked out so well, I thought I would make the other 2 but a little larger. I've gotten the interfacing ironed on and ready to sew.

and have started putting the binding on the Advent calendar I did earlier.

That will be 2 (or 5) completed projects the first 2 weeks of the year.
I started Tenth Circle by Jodie Picoult, and despite a depressing subject, it's very interesting and readable. I love going to the library and having a nice stack of books just waiting for me.
I was planning to read while the football game was on - some sort of NFL playoff or something - but Mike says it's over in the 1st quarter. Oh well, maybe it will get more interesting. If not, we have all those movies recorded.....
I think we may be enjoying this no-schedule life too much. Or maybe not. We slip a little housework in here and there. Mike did wonders for the hinges on the kitchen cabinets and touched up the paint. I may not have done as much, but cleaning the bathroom counts double. And working for an hour.
It WAS ginger snaps.

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