We love this girl and are very proud of her strength and maturity. Hoping it will be a happy day.
There may be more today. I'm looking forward to more pictures when they get through enjoying it.
I tend to enjoy snow like Jack.
He was born in South Dakota and spent the first 4 years of his life there, but living in Alabama for 3 years spoiled him. Emily bought this cute basket for yarn, but Jack had other ideas.
Speaking of keeping warm, I stole this picture of Gus from Debby's Facebook page. Just trying it out for size.
And while I was stealing pictures, I decided to get a couple more. I knew I could find cozy kitties on Sherry's blog.
Here's Nicholas enjoying the snow last winter. I'm not sure they've had any snow in TN yet this year.
The ultimate snuggling picture. Finnegan and Bentley. Sweet boys, all of them.
What I'm doing today - well now that it's half over.
I spent the morning organizing coupons and grocery lists and buying groceries. Pretty successful. Spent just over $100 and saved $41. It would have been more, but Mike and Mama kept adding things to my list that weren't on sale.
We also did one more chore that's been bugging me. I had the easy job of sorting through the various bottles and boxes, and Mike did the actual cleaning. Sounds fair to me. Maybe under the cabinet needs a little attention too.
The knitting is a project that I pinned on Pinterest. It's not quite as quick as advertised or as easy. You sure have to pay attention!
Here's a nice take on Pinterest. I thought it was a little silly at first too and still am not sure how it works, but it sure does keep my to-do list more organized. I tend to want to read all the books on my list and do all the projects faster since someone's looking now. The first thing I ever pinned was a knitting needle caddy, and since then 40 people have repinned it to their boards and 7 have liked it. I have no idea how these 47 people found my Pinterest board. Mine is pretty much bare and unimaginative, but every day I get emails saying so-and-so has pinned or liked or commented on something I have.
I left some dishes in the sink when I decided the cabinet needed cleaning. Then I stopped to check my email. Then I thought about blogging and taking some pictures and stealing some pictures, so now an hour later I'll creep back in and finish those dishes.
Speaking of reading, Emily mentioned that she couldn't read a book I recommended until she read her 100 Best Novels. I asked for the list, and she said to Google it. Cheeky child. I did, and there are many lists, but I found one I like and will try to get a few of those in. (Nothing like tailoring your list to suit you!) I like Radcliffe's 100 Best Novels List. It looks like I've read a lot of them, but I'll see if I can't reread them. Most are probably free on Kindle. Ulysses will go to the bottom of the list. It's on every list I see, and I can never understand why. I've tried too many times to read it.
My mind is too full of things I want to do and not enough time to do them. I'm also hearing hints of a trip to Washington in a couple of months. Fingers crossed it will work out soon.
We also recorded 3 movies on our magic new cable thing, and I have one waiting for me now. Retirement is not so bad!
We knew she was getting older and that something was different with her. She asked for food all day long and never seemed to be full, but she seemed content to just eat a lot and sleep a lot and spend a little time purring beside us, so we waited for a sign of what was wrong.
She woke me up about 6:30 this morning crying from the sunroom where they sleep. She always does it, and I usually put her off a little bit, but this morning she was persistent and got louder and louder. When I checked on her, she was panting and trying to walk but not able to move her back legs. I tried to comfort her, but I could tell she was in distress, so I woke Mike up and tried calling the vet's office. I got Dr. Golden's home, and he agreed to meet me in 30 minutes at the office. He said that he suspected a blood clot and that it wasn't usually a good thing.
It was tough to wrap her up and get her into the carrier, feeling like she was in pain and scared. She calmed down a little though in the car.
We're go glad it was Dr. Golden who met us. He diagnosed her with arterial thromboembolism or saddle thrombus and said that it was maybe treatable but that she would still be left with a serious heart condition and more than likely paralysis. She's such a no-nonsense cat and has been so dependable and comforting to us that I didn't want to cause her a lot more pain and fear if there was no real hope.
You never know whether you've made the right decision, but Dr. Golden said that this was nothing that could have been prevented and really not much do for it. He gave her a sedative, and she was calm and sleepy within a minute. I had a few minutes to pet her and talk her to sleep, and that makes me feel a little better - that she was peaceful at the end.
We do miss her though and will for a long time.
We've been married for 44 years and have had a gray cat for every one of them.
Nadine 1967 to 1985.
Chappy 1985 to 1996.
Lili 1996 until 2006.
Maddy 2000 to 2012.
Well-loved and long-lived kitties, all with their own peculiar personalities - some more peculiar than others. What memories we have of them all.