We had the usual turkey and dressing - this time turkey slices from the deli at Publix - and dressing that has just the right amount of seasoning and moistness.
Sweet potato casserole and brown rice and mushrooms.

Sugar snap peas (frozen - 5 minutes to cook and really good) and sauteed mushrooms.
A surprisingly good strawberry cream pie that we bought for some occasion and never ate. It came in handy today when neither of us wanted to cook a dessert.
It was a nice meal all in all. We missed the ones who weren't able to be here, but we'll see them in a few weeks.
Speaking of baking, this was Mike's next-to-last venture. It's not an overstuffed sub or a loaf of French bread----
But a pineapple upside-down cake.
We discussed pan sizes ahead of time, and he decided to go against all odds and used a layer cake pan. There was a cookie sheet there to catch any batter than may run over. Unfortunately, there was nothing to catch what ran off the cookie sheet except the bottom of the oven. The smoke and smell did clear out after 3 days, and the cake was delicious - what was left of it.
We spent the afternoon aimlessly, taking Darby for a long walk and riding around and exploring some. We talked to Mike's dad who is newly in a nursing home and heard what a good Thanksgiving dinner he had and how much progress he's making - getting up and visiting friends, talking on the phone, etc. Big improvement over the past few weeks.
Just talked to Emily who is preparing her own dinner for friends. Homemade cranberry sauce, fried turkey, dressing. She gets upset with me because I change the dressing recipe so much (this year I forgot to add "day-old bread"). Pretty soon, she'll be comfortable with her own recipe. and I'll be trying to copy her!
Today is Gaby's birthday. She gets to share her big day with our Thanksgiving Day. I'll have to see if she's tried the sweet potatoes and dressing yet. Happy Birthday, Gaby. I know you're dying laughing over the cake disaster above.
Hahahahaha, yes I´m laughing loudly (but not for what you think) because it happened to me a week ago, meanwhile I was baking a sweet 16 three tiered cake!! It was very anguishing to see how the batter run out the baking pan... I measured the batter rightly (if the cake pan have 4 fingers tall, just fill 2 1/2) but it seems the baking powder was very strong and it turned in a mayor disaster cake :P finally had to bake another one to replace it.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for remember my birthday, I´m very honorated you remembered it.
I didn´t make the sweet potatoes casserole because I want to make a cake with the yams and don´t have many more. I promise to make that casserole for Christmas and to share the recipe of the cake ok? Also, we did´t had turkey yesterday. My dad invite us to had dinner and I asked for vegan food but the owner of the restaurant dismissed the crew earlier to celebrate Thanksgiving with his own family, so we ended in a steakhouse ha!! Totally opposite meal!!
Thank you so much for your sweet wishes, love you all so much; I have you attached to my heart.
Love G