Debbie sent me some from the trip last week, and I have some in the camera. I just have a defective USB cable. It's been acting strange for weeks, maybe months. I noticed that the wires were showing at the camera end of the cable, but it was working fine, and then it was working sometimes if I jiggled it just right, but yesterday I got the message "USB device not recognized." I jiggled and jiggled some more, but I kept getting that message. I hate it when things don't work like they're supposed to.
I figured I would be without access to the camera for days, maybe longer while I went searching for a new cable. And then I remembered. It's not the olden days any more. I just Google'd Panasonic Lumix replacement cable, and with 10 minutes I had one on the way. I was pleasantly surprised to notice that it was only $3.99. Postage is more than the cost of the cable. I clicked PayPal, and it was just that easy.
It's getting toward the end of the month/pay period, so I have to produce as much as I can before Tuesday. After that, I plan to work on my neglected sewing and neglected housework.
We had an uneventful anniversary on the 27th. We did mention it on the phone. I decided the year #43 gift is fabric - or maybe yarn. I'll have to check, but I believe #45 gift is sewing machine - NICE sewing machine.
Since I have no pictures, I'll leave with this one Debby took from the balcony last week.
Those people in the photo are paddle boarders. Emily and I saw two people doing this in Washington, and we told this is THE hot new trend. It really works out a person's upper body, and certainly works on one's balance. This water in the photo is really smooth, and would not be so terribly challenging.
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