But then I've been in a fog lately, bloggy and otherwise.
Last year I had a wedding looming that kept me on my toes and made my life a little more interesting.
This year I just have a job that's getting worse and worse and a feeling of limbo about where I need to live. It will all work out, and I'm not actively worrying, but I can't find the cheerful face I had last year.
This week I did buy geraniums for the front porch - groans from Mike, Elise, and Emily. I'm going to have my geraniums for the front porch if I have nothing else. Mike calls my style of gardening "old lady" planting with no design or plan in mind. I got red and pink verbena, a strawberry, white impatiens, yellow snapdragons, ivy, some green grassy stuff, and a bunch of herbs yesterday. We'll have to see where they end up. It was fun to get my hands in the dirt again. Darby and the cats like it when I spend time in the yard, so I had an enjoyable couple of days of yard work. Pictures later maybe.
I worked some on my blue bishop. So thankful there wasn't a real person waiting on it. I just lack putting the ribbon in the sleeves and getting a few more leaves on the flowers, and it's done until time to hem it - and there's no hurry on that.
I haven't had a good audio book to listen to lately, so it's time for another trip to the library. I also started a book that I'm not going to finish. I just plowed through the Tracy Chevalier one, Remarkable Creatures. I usually love her books, but this one was about an old-maid fossil collector in 1804. Kind of depressing and cold. I have to admit skimming a little and then skipping to the end, but I couldn't tell you how it ended.
I have some of Debby's that she loaned me that I know will be good, so I'm going to start one after work tonight.
And Debby's Tom came home from Iraq. For good and forever. I can't imagine how happy and relieved they are this spring. That's another visit I'm going to have to take soon.
Mama and I are planning a trip to Texas at the end of the month. Gives us both something to look forward to - an adventure. I never thought of Mama making that trip, but with my niece's wedding next month, Birmingham is out for her. She's actually excited. I hope it works out.
I have my 4th anniversary with the company I work for this month, so I get some extra vacation days and a little raise. Still doesn't make up for the fact that I don't enjoy it any more. But I have a carrot dangling in front of me. Eighteen more months, and I can quit. Before we started Voice Recognition, I had planned to work on indefinitely, at least part time, because it was enjoyable to me, but now I'll be counting the days.
Time to get ready for church. I'd love to hear the visiting choir singing, but I'll be in the nursery. Maybe the kiddos will be quiet enough for me to hear the service on the PA system (is it called that? The voices coming from a speaker in the ceiling?)
Hope everyone has a happy day. Spring is here. Things are going to be better.
Happy Easter to you too!
ReplyDeleteI really love that cherry tree, I told to Mr. Windham it is a real beauty, but is a pitty it don´t have fruit or seeds, because I would love to have one here (I don´t know if it could survive in the tropic, maybe who knows?)
ReplyDeleteYour spring is more beautiful than ours, you can see how everything awakes, it is so pretty.
It is late but Happy Easter to you too.
A lot of hugs
It is a beautiful time of year - just breathtaking.