This is Mike and Elise's apartment. Pretty nice, actually. It's probably the only one with a chrysanthemum from Alabama out front. We had to bring it in the first night to keep it from being blown away.
The Lone Star is everywhere you look.

I was fascinated by this hedge. I can't imagine how someone can trim this so perfectly straight - and on a ladder too, I guess.
Here's the bank where Mike banks. I went in 2 years ago when I was there and was amazed at the friendliness of the folks who work there. I asked directions to the library, and instead of just giving me directions, Beverly hopped in her car and drove me there. They've just remodeled, and it's beautiful. Here are some pictures. They don't do the architecture or the people justice.
I can't seem to find the sunset pictures, but this was a field of what I thought was corn, but Mike said it was a grain, milo. Or maybe this is the cotton. He told me it wouldn't be a good picture. The sky is beautiful though. When I'm not in a hurry, I'll find all these pictures. I had to transfer them from my camera to Elise's computer and then send them to myself by email, so they're all kind of mixed up and/or lost. Yeah, on enlarging it, I think I see cotton. Milo later!
I tried to get a picture of the prairie dogs in Lubbock - in the city in a little island with traffic whizzing all around them. I saw about 10, but they're kind of the color of their surroundings, so it was hard to get a picture. Click to see one. We also saw islands between traffic lanes of rabbits hopping around.
This is an interesting building I noticed on the way into Lubbock. I think it's on the Texas Tech campus, but I'm not sure what it is. Maybe someone will tell me.
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