I need to add something interesting today to make that pot of shamrocks go away, but I'm having a hard time finding anything.
Going back to last Friday, here are some pictures from when Debby and I went to the cemetery to take Aunt Betty some spring flowers. It was a nice afternoon. We jabbered on, sometimes in the present, sometimes in the past, memories of Grandma, memories of growing up in a simpler time, and if you're related to me and reading this, yes, we talked about you.

The pretty day turned into clouds and rain, and I loved every minute of it. It wasn't as much fun on Saturday having to get out in it though. Emily came rushing in from Warm Springs, and we had to get to the alterations place before it closed to get Dress #1 fitted and ask about hemming Dress #2. It probably wasn't pretty to see us juggling an umbrella, a big box, and 2 wedding gowns through the deluge. As we burst in, the place was full of bridesmaids, all getting fitted. It was hectic, to say the least, but we finally got the dress all pinned up to fit. We're still not sure in the confusion when it will be ready but certainly before she'll have any need for it. We then went to Dillard's to take back the "unacceptable" dress and get a new one, but then it turned out the new one was unacceptable too. I can't remember what we did after that, but we ended up stopping to get veggie sub from Publix. Yum. Emily picked out the ingredients, and I need to remind her I don't consider jalapenos veggies.
I was not wanting her to go to Atlanta Sunday morning in the pouring rain, and I didn't actually ask her not to - well maybe hinted a little - and made staying in the warm house making lists and drinking coffee sound like a lot more fun. We did get a bunch of things decided. It's slow going, but I think with this next trip to Atlanta, she and Ryan will get the ball rolling. Talking to the caterer, going to the photographer's, looking at cakes. That and the music will be the big things, and it'll be a relief to get those things decided.
The last 2 days have been just working and getting nothing done in between times. I did go to Michael's and take pictures of votive candle holders and pots and vases so we can make more decisions and bought some more outside hanging lights at Target - on sale!
Today I had to learn a new account at work, and I kept having to wait on this and wait on that, so my morning was wasted. I decided to plant some of the seeds I bought. These are the cute little pots I got. Mama thought they were chocolate cookies. They do look edible in those little candy-box containers.

I got two packets of seeds planted, and then I weeded the front flower bed a little, kind of half-heartedly, but I think it looks better. All the trees are budding out, the althea, the crepe myrtle, and even my little dogwood that is still in a pot from last year. I think it likes it there.

I'm always surprised to see this clematis every spring. In the fall, it turns into an ugly tangle of vines that looks like it will never come back, but then I've watched the little leaves come out in the past week, and it's already trying to climb.
I think I can see from the kitchen window a little purple on the wisteria in our neighbor's yard that is amazing every spring. Unfortunately, there's nothing pretty about this corner disaster, and I don't have much time to work on it. Maybe I can throw a few blooming annuals on top of the mess until the gardenias and azaleas start blooming.

So that's my exciting week. Tomorrow is beauty shop day for Mama and her weekly outing to Wal-Mart afterwards, and then I'll probably go to Andalusia Friday. It'll be a nice drive if the weather stays like this. There's something interesting and free going on at the quilt shop Saturday that I might like to get to if I have time. If anything more exciting than this comes up, I'll be sure to mention it.
Oh, Mike said he and Elise were going to just drive down to El Paso this weekend. I would go too if I didn't have to fly and had time or maybe lived there. I hope they have fun and take some interesting pictures for me.