Just kidding. That would be cheating. I made these months ago and am just now getting them ready to be mailed. I'm so unsure of myself with the machine embroidery that it scares me to give things away for fear they'll come apart or shrink or fade or something. Maybe I've kept them around thinking they would disintegrate if something were wrong, but they're still here, and the time has come for mailing them. This gift is for some close friends of my mother's, their second grandchild, a little boy named Jackson whose nursery theme is - guess what? - fish. I made sure of the spelling because I did a gift for a friend of Elise with the same name, but it was spelled Jaxxon. I found out after I sent the gift, so I corrected it. The mother says Jaxxon can't tell the difference yet, so he's enjoying both spellings. All that embroidery is usually covered with food or spitup anyway. One day maybe I'll progress to real clothes.
Oh, those are so cute! That makes me really excited about starting my embroidery!