This was taken from Trader Joe's parking lot. Emily and I had a shopping trip and went to only two stores, but it was just what we needed.
We were going to go by Starbucks on the way out of town, but work kept following Emily, so we ended up going inside and letting her take care of one of her conversations instead of doing it while she drove. I seconded that idea.
Our first stop was Michael's to get Graysen a birthday gift for her birthday in only TWO MORE DAYS. She's having three friends over for a playdate instead of a birthday party Saturday, and I know that will be so much fun. Elise wanted me to pick out a nice crafty kit for her since she doesn't have time to go shopping this week, and Emily and I had our minds on Perler beads or pony beads or whatever they're called. Graysen came home from school last week with a little heart made from a few beads and loved them so much, of course Emily and I had to go overboard.
We found this little kit for starters to see if she really enjoys it.
I've watched a YouTube video about how to do it, and they just place the beads in the design they want and you iron them just enough to melt the edges together. I think the ironing might be tricky at first, but I'm convinced I can figure it out.
So we bought a couple of extra pegboards and this jar of 1000 beads. That should keep us supplied until we want to advance - or until we get tired of it.
And seeing Ryan's face when he learns that more than 1000 new teeny things are coming into the house to be vacuumed up.
We had such fun in Michael's. Neither one of us can keep our minds on what we're doing because there are so many distractions. We wanted ALL the crafty kits and science kits and projects, but we held ourselves in check.
We did crumble under the pressure of a stand of umbrellas just inside the front door. The girls have never had an umbrella, although they've always wanted one. Every year at Rooster Valley they have an umbrella parade for the letter U, and the girls have taken (or borrowed) whatever we had. Not this year though! We've always worried they would poke their eyes out or hurt someone, but we gave in, and they are going to be so excited!
I hope they're waterproof as well as cute, because they were a little more than what I consider a good price for a child's umbrella. But we did luck up on not only the 40% off a regular item but 20% off the whole purchase, including sale things. Along with my senior discount, it seemed a little more reasonable. You can't put a price on fun though.
And now I need to get rid of these pictures on my phone before they see them.
We then went to Trader Joe's before we went home and got a few things. I found a delicata squash which Safeway hasn't had this winter.

Winter squashes are not my favorites, but Emily told me about this one, and I tried it and became a fan. This is how it looks when it's cooked, little C's, and it's so good.

I'm going to try this recipe tonight when I make it.
Tonight is Graysen's first-grade musical, and Thursday night we go to Mod Pizza for her family birthday celebration (I only get a salad!) and back here for red velvet cupcakes and gifts.

I printed this recipe a couple of weeks ago and can't wait to try it. I found some cute little cupcake wrappers, but the heart-shaped sprinkles I ordered won't be here in time for this. I'll just have to make do. I hope they're half as pretty as these, but I know they'll be good.
Such a fun and busy week ahead.