For so many things!
For this sky! After no rain all summer to a couple of days of constant gray skies and downpours, we get days of pure beauty.
That was my view from the balcony yesterday, and it's even better this morning.
I took an excellent cup of coffee and all my reading material out to sit and enjoy the fresh air, but it was a little too chilly to enjoy long.
My Gratitude Journal and "A Life God Rewards" from Debby to Elise and me."
"Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" by Deepak Chopra. Both my girls are working on making me more mindful and getting me to meditate and work on some of my fears and anxiety. Love them, but I'm not sure how much this aging mind can absorb.
Then I have my Southern Living and that perfect cup of coffee.
Thankful for friends and family who keep on caring about me, although I haven't been too chatty lately.
For a good 2 weeks of school for this sweetie.
The ducks have a new pond, and I'm not sure who is enjoying it more - the ducks or the kids.
Graysen is hot and exhausted when we pick her up at 3:00. I guess this is one reason why.

I don't think she has gotten up the courage to pick up a chicken yet.

BFF Brooklyn has to problem with it though. You have to wonder how much the chickens and ducks enjoy this togetherness.
Thankful for pumpkin bread and breakfast with friends/family.
Ryan's parents, Mille and Allen, are here for a visit and brought this delicious pumpkin bread. Elise and I enjoyed it a LOT, and I've heard there is more over on Steller.
The three of us took Graysen to school yesterday morning, so they could get a look at her school and her morning routine. Then we went to North Bend and had breakfast at Twede's Cafe. It was nice. Good conversation and coffee. We talked about going back for some of their famous cherry pie that is a must for Twin Peaks followers - which is not us. But it was convenient, and we enjoyed a short walk in the fresh morning air.
Millie rode with me to pick up Graysen after school, and I think she was pretty excited to see both grandmothers there. I dropped them off and came home. I have to say I'm enjoying my free time while they're here.
Grandma and Tampa always think of the best surprises.
We got to see these beautiful creatures as we drove up to her school last week. One of them looked right into the car and made us so happy.
Friday is Seahawks Day.
Mama too!
I'm working on my life and trying to make the most of it - even if it's not the way I wanted to spend these years. Mike is constantly in our thoughts and conversations, and we're trying to find the best way of going on without him. We can finally talk about memories without that debilitating sadness - usually.