It has been a bleak time for me lately in spite of trying really hard to be positive. I'm looking for the sunshine and extra hours of daylight to make it better.
Graysen and I are fascinated by the spring changes - and therefore Katherine is too. She parrots our exclamations over flowers and birds and bugs and uses the word "beautiful" a lot.
We go over to the park when we get a chance, and Graysen and I took a nature walk one day. I'll just post a lot of pictures of things we saw so I can come back and cheer myself up when I'm down.
I'm sorry I don't have video of Katherine saying the work "slug." It comes out like a nasal SNNUUGG. The girls found a slug's shiny trail on the deck in the sunshine and, despite their aversion to the little creatures, were upset by the fact that it wasn't moving. Graysen brought cool water to pour on it, and Katherine stood and repeated over and over "Died, snnuggg."
I really didn't have any intention of getting on this shady path behind the park since I have read about bobcat sightings this week. I know - only at night with security cameras - but I have a horror of encountering an animal with these little ones.
They headed down it though and loved it so much. I did too. Such a beautiful canopy of trees with ferns along the path, birds singing, a dog barking at the house near us which gave me peace.
I took a different path when I walked home last week and enjoyed the beauty of the sky and cherry trees
The pool is ready whenever it gets warm enough. Graysen likes to check on it when she gets the chance.
This sidewalk runs alongside my building, and I need to take it more. So lovely and quiet.
Our little maple tree from Montgomery. I'm always surprised when it comes back in the spring.
I think of Japanese magnolia being a Southern tree, but they are beautiful here too. I've seen forsythia and dogwood also. I'm not sure I've seen a regular magnolia, but I imagine they grow here.
Graysen looking carefully down into her "jungle" trying to see a lion.
We've watched this rhododendron at the foot of my stairs develop buds and now begin to bloom.
Debby sent me home with these little teacup covers which were, of course, snatched up by the girls. There are 3 of them, and they have become cats with tutus. Good call, Debby! She looks so grownup here.
Popsicles are a big hit already, and they love Outshine bars. Strawberry for Graysen and pineapple for Katherine (because of the big red mess a strawberry one would cause).
I added this one to show how dirty she got at school last Friday. She was covered with mud from her face to her boots. She never went into detail about what they were playing, but half the class looked just like her. She's decided boys aren't quite as bad as she thought and is now running and sliding and knocking them down and loving it.
I can't even begin to pronounce popsicle like Katherine does it.
I took a trip to Georgia and Alabama a couple of weeks ago, and that was a good dose of medicine for my soul. Elise and I had a whole day together. We did a little shopping, a little eating, some TV watching, and just talking and catching up. So nice. It was good to see Kathy & Alan although briefly this time, Debby & Tom, Mike, Carol and David. We also went down to Ft Walton to visit another cousin Bobby and do a lot of reminiscing.
The trip was bittersweet, of course, like it always is. Mike loved this area and especially this drive from Montgomery to Andalusia. I wish it were possible to live in two places.
I finally let myself go to the cemetery. It was hard - so hard - just seeing the footstone for the first time. Kathy and Alan keep it looking so nice and took care of the marker, keeping me from as much sadness as possible.
We celebrated Mama's 94th birthday while we were there. She was amazed that she was that old! I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I did, but my brother sent me some, so I'll add those later. Carol planned the party, and a few of us cousins gathered to catch up and eat some delicious cake (Dean's Cake House, of course).
I thought this was a cute picture of Carol and Mama.
I enjoyed one of my homes away from home at Debby and Tom's beautiful place.
Gus wanted to join me at my coffee-drinking, meditating on the deck.

Especially beautiful in the early mornings.
Mama enjoys what I call the Rose Garden at the Manor when we can get her out there. She's always afraid it's too cold for her. I think she found out that it was not too cold that day. She's still insisting on matching her socks to her shirts.
We did the seasonal changeover of clothes from winter to summer, although she wasn't convinced it was time yet.
I think she did enjoy her newly organized closet - for now. She does love to touch and try on her clothes and can't hang them back up, so we enjoyed it for a day or so.
I'm glad I made myself write something today. I'm going to do all I can to get myself happy again. The trip to St. George's is coming up next week, and I know that will be a happy time with friends and family. After that, I hope maybe I will get myself out and meet people and get back to my sewing.