I got an email today saying there had been "suspicious activity" spotted on my Pinterest board. Whoa! That sounds serious. What could that suspicious person be doing? Stealing the same pins I have stolen from others. Rearranging my boards and mixing up my Gardening pins with my Things to Make pins? I can't imagine. Maybe that someone is renaming all my boards or peeking to see if I prefer knitting or crocheting. Well, I changed my password, so that will teach suspicious people to stay away from my lovely pins.
I do love Pinterest though. I ignore it for months, but then every once in awhile I will go back and look at things I liked or wanted to do (and see if I followed through - and usually not). It's a good place to park my whims. If I'm interested in felt Christmas ornaments today, I will probably lose interest by next week, but if I ever do want to remember where I saw that cute blue reindeer, I'll know where to go.
Just now while looking at my Things to Do board, I realized I had pinned a rice heat/cold pack that I must have thought I would one day make.
But now I won't have to because this was a Christmas present from my two of my favorite little boys, Tyler and Bronner (made by their mother). I couldn't have picked a prettier fabric! War Eagle.
Yesterday was spent at the doctor's office with Mama and watching this week's "Downton Abbey" with Mike. It doesn't seem like that could take your whole day, but it pretty much did.
Sometimes we get nice interruptions from Guatemala. This is a video of Lauren and Allyn "bouncing like crazy in their chairs." This is something called What's App on Mike's phone, a way to text and send photos internationally.
These things are like magic to me. We can Skype and have dinner with Graysen or watch her play. She has no idea who we are yet, but I think we are a nice distraction for her and allows her to smile and reach for Mom's phone.
Yesterday, I took my yarn and knitting needles to make another "Doctor's Office Dishrag," but Mama had to fill out a new information sheet, and that involved my writing for her while she juggled pill bottles and insurance cards, etc., during which my ball of yarn got dropped and tangled. I had also left my instructions at home, and even though I've made dozens of these, I always forget how to start off. So I called Mike to read me the first 2 lines. "Cast on 4. Knit the first row. Row 2: Knit 2, YO, knit to the end of the row, increasing one stitch on each row up to 45 stitches." After that, I'm good to go.
I got a few rows done in the back waiting room, but again there was juggling of pills bottle, walker, jacket, purse, etc.

While she had her blood work done, I tried untangling the mess, but somehow I got the yarn wound around the handle of Mama's walker while I was admiring someone's Auburn slippers and finding out she hated cats. I was in a panic because I knew Mama would not be good with rolling along dragging a skein of yarn behind her, but it all worked out before we left.
I still have some untangling to do. I have done a little knitting this week though. Emily said Graysen needed some more bathcloths, so I'm working on her a couple.
This one is a birthday cupcake, in case the design is not clear.
The Sugar and Cream cotton yarn just doesn't make as soft a cloth as the Hobby Lobby brand - Love this Cotton, I think. It does fine for dishrags that get used and abused and washed hundreds of times. This one has a Snoopy design on it and is much softer.
I started sewing the sequins and beads on the Christmas ornaments. It's slow going but perfectly fine when you have the computer set up with one of those Amazon Prime movies.
I may or may not have made these jerseys! I have been doing sewing for
Stitchworks, making the blank jerseys, and Jen dyes them and add the lettering and stripes. For my last sewing, I asked her to make Graysen 4 jerseys in lieu of pay.
They turned out so sweet, just in time for a birthday gift. One Washington Huskies, one UNC, and 2 Auburn.
So almost another week gone. The weather has been cold but sunny the past few days.
I haven't had a new picture from Washington lately, so I'll post some sweet snow pictures.
This was Graysen's first real snow except for some flurries.
I'm not sure if it was the cold, the 6 layers or clothes, or being put down, but things are not going well.
The world looks better from Mom's arms.
And best friends Mila and Owen to discuss things with. Sweet babies.