To join the other critters on the quilt.
The only reason I had time to do the turtle is because my
internet service was out for awhile. Work emails are begging for help and offering overtime, so I have to put my pleasure on hold and carry on for the good of my new company,
wherever and whatever it is.
Sadly, my favorite coordinator is no longer with the company, according to an email we received yesterday. That's bad news for me in that she knew all about me and put up with my needing to change my schedule at the last minute or when I didn't get enough lines to make everyone happy. Besides, although I never met her face to face, she was just a nice person to talk to and always pleasant and friendly. I don't have a forwarding e-mail for her, but I hope she's the one who left the company other than the other way around and and has another job.
The good news is that things are a little chaotic as they usually are with a merger, and maybe no one will watch me closely and see if I don't get enough lines.
My first report this morning the doctor chewed and swallowed all the way through her 8-minute dictation, and my nerves were shot when I finished it. Those sounds are amplified when they're speaking right into your ear, and it drives me crazy. Eating hard candy or cough drops is another pet peeve. Don't they know that you can hear it every time it hits their teeth? UGH. And you can't escape, just knowing every few second you're going to hear it again.
So, I'll be hoping for some good dictators this afternoon and a few cups of yummy cinnamon roll coffee. I think Mama just made some cinnamon rolls to go with the coffee too.