Friday, June 27, 2014

Cucumber Thief

Mike has been convinced we have an armadillo visiting our back yard at night because of some sudden new holes in the grass.

Our first notice of veggie stealing was what seemed bites out of tomatoes, and then one morning I went to pick the cucumber I KNEW was going to be ready - and no sign of it.  Just gone.  Cucumber leaves are big and hide a lot, but I looked and looked for it and never found it.  Armadillo or something.  I decided we needed to let Darby sleep outside and keep watch, but then we knew from experience with a possum in a tree that she would only bark all night long, keep the neighors awake, and refuse to come in.

Then Wednesday I was having a good time cutting some zinnias and cosmos for a bouquet and found 2 banana peppers and 2 cucumbers just right for picking along with more tomatoes.

As I leaned over to cut one more flower, I dropped the green vegetables into the flower bed.  When I started to pick them up, I found the 2 peppers but only 1 cucumber.  What?!  I retraced my steps - twice - back to the vegetable bed and looked again in the flower bed but still no cucumber.  I figured I would chalk it up to old age - or something.

Then later that day Mike came in with this.

He had found Darby with it in her mouth refusing to give it up.  He popped her under the chin a few times and finally she dropped it.  She refuses anything to eat but meat and dogfood, but she'll chomp on vegetables.  I then remembered that she had been with me during my harvesting but all of a sudden had business to tend to in the far corner of the yard.  Mike also found a few tomatoes scattered around the area with bite marks in them.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  I found this picture of her 7 years ago in Columbus when she was just a puppy.  That's a yellow squash that she found and carried around for days.

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